Will Rogers in Steamboat Round the Bend (1935)

Steamboat Round the Bend (1935)

1h 22min. // A Louisiana con man enters his steamboat into a winner-take-all race with a rival while trying to find a witness to free his nephew, about to be hanged for murder.


Directed by: John Ford

Writing Credits: Dudley Nichols (screenplay), Lamar Trotti (screenplay), Ben Lucien Burman (novel)

Starring: Will Rogers (as Doctor John Pearly), Anne Shirley (as Fleety Belle), Irvin S. Cobb (as Captain Eli), Eugene Pallette (as Sheriff Rufe Jeffers) and Stepin Fetchit (as Jonah)


Enjoy The Movie! 



Photo Gallery:

Roger Imhof, Fred Kohler Jr., Robert Milasch, Will Rogers, and Anne Shirley in Steamboat Round the Bend (1935)

John McGuire and Anne Shirley in Steamboat Round the Bend (1935)


Enjoy The Movie! 


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